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Fourth time mentoring at Classic City:

Experience: Today in class, the teacher was focused on famous speeches regarding African-Americans rights, specifically Frederick Douglass' "The meaning of July Fourth for a Negro". She gave the class a worksheet that included a chart that was to be filled out throughout the class, it included date, time, importance, theme, mood, etc. of the speech. The class was very interested in this speech considering its high importance and the role Frederick Douglass played as an abolitionist. The students were more attentive than they had been all semester. They asked lots of questions, no one fell asleep, and they all completed their work with no complaints. Although I didn't get to work one-on-one with a student, it was still comforting to see the entire class participating and being engaged with their learning. 

Goals for next class: I'm hoping the teacher will learn to utilize me during class so I can help instead of being merely a bystander. I may not be the most experienced student but I have knowledgable and more than willing to help and learn. I also hope that I will get to experience more of each students personalities, they are all quiet and mostly reserved so I hope they eventually open up.

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